Project intro

Understanding and Combating Grooming:

Danish and Baltic Cooperation

The proposed project aims to facilitate a good practice exchange between Danish NGO Landsforeningen Spor and Baltic NGOs 35 Above (Latvia), Estonian Human Rights Centre (Estonia) and Ribologija (Lithuania), with a focus on the issue of grooming -  actions or behaviors used to establish an emotional connection with a minor, and sometimes the child's family, to lower the child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse. Grooming can occur in various settings, including online, in person, and through other means of communication.

The Baltic NGOs have identified a critical gap in the understanding and public discourse of grooming in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, where the topic remains severely understudied. In contrast, Danish civil society has achieved significant progress in addressing grooming, not only by fostering public discussion through effective lobbying and campaigning but also by implementing substantial legislative actions and sustainable interventions. Like changes of the Criminal Code chapter about Sexual crimes section that now anyone engaging in grooming, systematically or through manipulation, with the intent to expose a person under the age of 18 to sexual crimes, may face punishment, including a fine or imprisonment for up to 2 years.

The project envisions a visit to Copenhagen by representatives of Baltic NGOs, during which they will engage with both community-based and nationwide organizations addressing grooming prevention issues. The Danish NGO Landsforeningen Spor will serve as a contact point to plan and organize meetings with other Danish NGOs, including Save the Children Denmark, Everyday Sexism Project Denmark.

The exchange will allow Baltic delegates to observe and learn from the Danish approach to combating grooming, which includes public awareness campaigns and the enactment of preventative legislation.

Main deliverables would consist of

a) the exchange taking place in Copenhagen with the participants;

b) a report created to draw of tackling grooming in the Baltics and what we can learn from Denmark;

c) drawing a memorandum that can be distributed amongst like minded organizations in the Baltics and serve as a form of commitment to tackling the issue of grooming.

Project nr. NGSLV-834

Project start date: 1.02.2024.

Project end date: 01.07.2024.

Grant sum: 12 000 eur

Project financially supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers, Office in Latvia.


Project Report - Understanding and Combating Grooming